Error 23 - Duplicate Students
Error Overview
If you receive the error 23 message, it is due to there being precise duplicate names in your grade book. The extension can not tell the difference between the two names, and therefor does not know which student to fill each grade to.
Here are two common situations when this might occur:
Duplicates can occur when there are two students who have the exact same name in a class. This can happen with very common names. For example, you have two students in your class named "James Smith".
In order to resolve this, you will need to change one of the student names so they are distinguishable. You might be able to adjust a setting in your grade book so that the middle names are visible, or you might need to work with your LMS admin to adjust a student's name.
Duplicates can occur when students are able to submit an assignment more than once. For example, if a student gets a 40, then re-takes the quiz and scores an 80, and both scores appear in your grade book for the student.
In order to resolve this, you will need to remove one of the duplicate scores from the grade book.

🎯 Remember to always review transfers for accuracy and completion. The GradeTransferer service can significantly speed up the transfer process and cut down on errors. However, just as with manual grading, it is the teacher's responsibility to verify that grades are correct within their gradebook.