GradeTransferer Pattern Remover

Pattern Remover

December 27, 20242 min read

Feature Overview

You might run into transferring issues if the students' names are intermingled with non-name information. This feature lets you teach GradeTransferer what to ignore by setting up some rules based on common patterns all the student names have. For example, you can set it to filter out specific text, anything that comes before/after a comma, and much more!

Examples of additional information:

John McSmith (STUDENT)

Macy McLun, IEP

Kmara Ywng #189835

Where is this feature?

The Name Discrepancy Fixer is part of GradeTransferer's Advanced Settings, which can be accessed by first clicking the hamburger menu. See below 👇

Advanced settings GradeTransferer

Example Case

When COVID hit, our school went virtual. Then, we transitioned to a hybrid instruction model. To keep track of everything, the names in our gradebook now contain the students' instruction method in parenthesis after their name, (virtual, in-person, or hybrid). GradeTransferer is now grabbing this information along with their names. Can it be set to somehow ignore their instruction status?

Absolutely! Using our Patter Remover feature, you can easily teach GradeTransferer what to ignore by setting up some rules based on common patterns all student names now have. In this case, you can set a rule to remove the instruction method by putting a "(" in the "Remove everything starting with (and including)..." section.


General Rules to Keep in Mind

  • The Pattern Remover is case sensitive

  • Sometimes extra data can be filtered out within your gradebook's settings, like in Canvas or PowerTeacherPro

Filter from the Beginning or the End

"John Smith (YRofGrad: 2023)" can now easily be turned into 'John Smith' again.

The same goes for "Hybrid Instruction John Smith" and other other cases where non-name data is included with names when grabbed.

GradeTransferer Pattern Remover Beginning End Filter

Remove Specific Things

Did your district add gender pronouns or other stuff to student names and mess up your grade-transferring process? Simply add the non-name data here to teach GradeTransferer what to ignore.

"John (he/his) Smith" ➝ "John Smith"

GradeTransferer Pattern Remover Specific Things

Test with Live Preview

Patterns can be tough. That's why you can experiment in real-time with the Pattern Remover, and see the output in the yellow Output Verifying Area at the bottom of the page.

See mini demo GIF below 👇

GradeTransferer Pattern Remover Test Live

🎯 Remember to always review transfers for accuracy and completion. The GradeTransferer service can significantly speed up the transfer process and cut down on errors. However, just as with manual grading, it is the teacher's responsibility to verify that grades are correct within their gradebook.

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