Grabbing Data From Savvas Realize
Platform Overview
GradeTransferer is compatible for grabbing from Savvas Realize in the following views:
Assignment Summary
View Data
Standard Analysis and Student Analysis (percentage or points scores)
Check the summary to look at the student names and scores that were grabbed. You can view this information in the pop-up immediately after grabbing, and also by clicking on the briefcase icon in the extension.
Ensure the page has the student names and overall scores listed as either a score or a percent. Views that do not have this information are not compatible for grabbing.
Make sure the student has turned in their work and that they have a score for it. Work that does not have a score will not be grabbed.
🎯 Remember to always review transfers for accuracy and completion. The GradeTransferer service can significantly speed up the transfer process and cut down on errors. However, just as with manual grading, it is the teacher's responsibility to verify that grades are correct within their gradebook.