GradeTransferer Score Converter

Score Converter

February 14, 20254 min read

Feature Overview

The form of the grades where you 'grab' might not be what's accepted by your 'filling' gradebook, such as a symbol or text. Or, perhaps you need any scores ranging from 70-100 transferred as a "P" to indicate proficiency for standards-based grading. Maybe you want to round your grades to the nearest whole number. You can automatically map grades to new values with GradeTransferer!

Scaling FYI: Data that's been grabbed can easily be scaled linearly using the toggle on the main interface. Check out this video to see how! This works great for simple, linear scaling like 4/5 ➝ 80/100. For cases when you need non-linear scaling, you can use the Score Converter! Keep reading to learn how.

Where is this feature?

The Score Converter is part of GradeTransferer's Advanced Settings, which can be accessed by first clicking the hamburger menu. See below 👇

Advanced settings GradeTransferer


Automatically round grabbed data to the nearest tens, whole number, or set number of decimal places when this feature is enabled.

gradetransferer score converter rounding

Setting the number of decimal places to -1 will result in rounding to the nearest tens.

EXAMPLE: 83.72 ➝ 80

You can have rounding enabled while the other Score Conversions are disabled if you want.

Score Converter [Range]

This feature is especially helpful for converting ranges of scores to one score, like a proficiency equivalent for standards based grading.

For Example:

score converter ranges example table

Step 1

Navigate to the Score Converter page in Advanced Settings.

Advanced settings GradeTransferer

Step 2

On the screen that opens, make sure the 'Score Converter' is set to 'ON'.

gradetransferer score converter on

Step 3

Navigate to the Score Converter [Range] section.

Enter the lower (included) limit of the range in the left cell, the upper (not included) range of the limit in the middle cell, and what you want any score in that range converted to in the right cell.

*Note that the lower limit IS included in the conversion, and the upper limit is NOT included in the conversion. Ex: 80 - 100 = P will convert the numbers 80-99 as a P, but it will not include 100 in the range. If you want 100 to convert to a P, then set the range "up until" 101.

Score Converter Range

Next, click the green 'Add' button so the conversion shows up on your Score Conversion Table on the bottom. If you ever need to change or delete the conversion, you can click the red 'X' to the right of the conversion. Alternatively, you can always turn 'OFF' all conversion from happening by toggling the switch at the very top of the page.

score converter saved conversions table

Step 4

Navigate to your gradebook and click Grab Data in the extension. The scores will be converted automatically. To remind you that grabbed scores have been adjusted, on the summary popup, it will always let you know 🙂.

Grab Data Buttonscore converter range summary example

Converting Symbols and Text Using Score Converter [Singular]

Example Case

Our classes are really short (only 25-minutes) so I use the do-nows as a way of taking attendance as well as getting a quick review task in on yesterday's lesson before we begin. These are generally graded for completion and I'm using ✓, or A (for absent). Can GradeTransferer transfer the ✓ over as a 100?

Absolutely! Using our Score Conversion feature, you can set up any number of different rules to map data into various other forms. For example, you can turn ✓ ➝ 100 and A ➝ 0. This makes GradeTransferer the perfect service for quickly taking attendance, or handling exit-tickets and do-nows! See below for more details.

Step 1

You will be notified if there are symbols or text to be grabbed by a NOTE in the summary pop-up.

gradetransferer symbols and text note

Within the GradeTransferer interface, toggle Convert "✓" & text grades to 'ON'. This will launch the Score Converter setup page.

gradetransferer score converter check and text toggle switch

Step 2

On the screen that opens, make sure the 'Score Converter' is set to 'ON'.

gradetransferer score converter on

Step 3

Navigate to the Score Converter [Singular] section.

For text, type what is being grabbed in the left side of the converter, and how you want it filled on the right side, then click add!

For a symbol (like a checkmark), type the word symbol on the left and type whatever you want it converted to on the right.

Next, click the green 'Add' button so the conversion shows up on your Score Conversion Table on the bottom. If you ever need to change or delete the conversion, you can click the red 'X' to the right of the conversion. Alternatively, you can turn 'OFF' all conversion from happening by toggling the switch at the very top of the page.

GradeTransferer Score Converter Missing Text To 0score converter symbol equals 100score converter saved table missing and symbol

Step 4

Navigate to your gradebook and click Grab Data in the extension. The scores will be converted automatically. To remind you that grabbed scores have been adjusted, on the summary popup, it will always let you know 🙂.

Grab Data Buttongradetransferer missing to 0 summary score convertergrade transferer checkmarks to number summary score converter

🎯 Remember to always review transfers for accuracy and completion. The GradeTransferer service can significantly speed up the transfer process and cut down on errors. However, just as with manual grading, it is the teacher's responsibility to verify that grades are correct within their gradebook.

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